About Ravel Roads

Who We Are?

Life is a journey and so are pilgrimages. One of the greatest poets said, the strings of life ring on its own. You have perhaps realized it when you are calm and composed and free of stresses. It is so very true! Life seems to ring on its own and when we realize it and express our gratitude towards it, the bliss perhaps is realized and expands. This is spiritual evolution that happens mostly in meditation.

There is cosmic energy everywhere and if that is so, has it ever occurred to you, why few places are described as pilgrimages or worshipped as holy. The reason is simple! The cosmic consciousness cast spiritual vibrations and its blessings on a few places where the consciousness within us gets more akin to the universal consciousness. It can happen due to many reasons known and unknown to humans. These are the places where it’s easy to manifest or realize the cosmic love within us and feel blessed and loved by the divine.

That’s the reason, it’s often said that visit to pilgrimages can only happen if you receive the divine sermon. That is perhaps true as the cosmic consciousness chooses the time for an individual to visit the place as that is the time for that soul to feel the bliss and the emptiness within which is very much within all of us. Probably in the din and bustle of life and for the human, so busy in the mundane chores of life, the call of the divine is always not heard or manifested. When the sermon comes, it has been often noticed that there is no obstacle that can resist it and the pilgrimage happens just like that and all of it seems to many, as a miracle.

Yes, miracle, as life itself is a miracle and we stand as a messiah between the devotee and the pilgrimage and we feel, it is our God-ordained duty to let souls meet their purpose of life. As divinity is all within us waiting for the time to manifest into its fullness, pilgrimages help us in this journey where life blooms to its full with divine aspirations. That is one of the reasons the devotee needs to visit the pilgrimages only once and that perhaps suffices for a lifetime as he or she considers themselves blessed to visit the holy places in their lifetime.

The tourist often visits such places by coincidence or chance and gathers nothing. But the pilgrims gather the lifetime’s bliss and experience from one such pilgrimage as he or she considers him or her grateful to have visited the place by his or her devotion. It is this qualitative difference of the mind and attitude which works as a secret for such a blissful experience. This is the secret and purpose of a pilgrimage.

This realization brought us to serve you, the pilgrims through Ravel Roads. Yes, the roads are hard and often pebbly and full of ravels and are of hardship. The arduous journey often makes the pilgrims who are mostly seniors or middle-aged tired and weary. This is where Ravel Roads makes your journey comfortable and smooth. From the arrangement of your cabs, transportation to your stay, you just need not worry about anything. We take care from anything to everything so that you can devote yourself in your spiritual sojourn in peace and taking deeper rest which is the main intention. Our network in all the places would facilitate all your requirements and make your stay a really memorable one

Another important aspect is cost and that is taken care of by Ravel Roads too. The best of amenities and facilities are provided at least of cost. The best of guides and tour assistance are provided to make your pilgrims informative and stress-free. So what’s next! Just choose a place that your soul yearns to visit from our website and send a message and leave the rest to us! We would be there for all your needs only to make your pilgrimage blissful! That’s a vow and that’s what we stand for!